Who is Null?

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Null! I’m a 21-year-old artist currently living in central Florida. Some of my main mediums include drums, painting, and fashion.

My Passion for Drumming

I began playing drums in 2018, and it’s become a passion ever since I learned my first pattern. For a while, I was in a band named “The Punk Service”. We were together for a few years and accomplished some amazing things. We released an EP, played many shows, and even got to open for my favorite artist Machine Girl at Crowbar in Tampa during their tour with Johnnascus. We played at the Lakeland Punk Rock Flea Market, too. Another accomplishment was that we opened for Agent Orange at Jessie’s in Winter Haven, Florida. Despite the great memories, this band eventually broke up for a few different reasons. I’m not in contact with any of the members anymore, but I hold those memories dear to my heart.

I’ve become involved with a new band recently, and will announce that further when we get more songs together.

Exploring Electronic Music

Other than that, I have been familiarizing myself with Ableton more and learning how to produce electronic/experimental music. Music is very important to me and inspires me a lot.

Visual Art

Other than music, I also love visual art. Granted, I have not been participating in that as much as I have in the past, but it’s something I hold a strong love for. From a young age, I would draw all day long. My mother and I would frequently need to leave the home due to domestic violence and go to sleep in her car in random parking lots. During this time, I had little choice for entertainment and found my passion for drawing. It began with crayons and colored pencils and progressed to painting. In school, I was always drawing. When I got to high school, I began to sell my art online and at a metaphysical shop I was previously associated with. I mainly sold painted clothing. You can find my art by searching @nullisonline on Instagram.

Expressing Through Fashion

Lastly, fashion. I love being able to express how my soul feels internally in the form of outfits, makeup, and hair. I discovered cosplay at a young age (as a child who grew up being a massive dork) and took some of the skills I learned to incorporate into my style now. Intense outfits are very impressive to me, I love seeing the different ways people express themselves. Being able to dress the way I want to is important to me. Sometimes I feel more masculine, and sometimes I feel more feminine, sometimes I feel in between. There are clothing items that help me express these feelings, which feels very validating. My social media has given me amazing opportunities to collaborate with some alternative fashion brands such as HOUDINI, YoursBlack, VampireFreaks, T.U.K., NeolythicXYZ, UniWigs, and TechyPop.

Some other collaborations I’ve had the pleasure of doing are, Javy Coffee, Burn After Writing, VNYL, and XOXO Gina.

Launching a Podcast

Recently, I launched a podcast I’ve been looking forward to doing for a while. It is titled, “Null In The Void”. This podcast explores different topics discussed with others and also by myself. Some topics are life experiences (interviews), the occult, phenomena, art, music, and much more.

A Spiritual Journey

I am a very spiritual person and I consider my path eclectic. I’ve been practicing my craft for about 6 years now. I’m very interested in divination, deity work, astrology, crystals, herbs, and nature. Nature inspires me a lot and immersing myself in it is very healing. Animals are a strong passion of mine, I have been vegan for 2 years and prior to that, I was vegetarian for 8 years. I have begun volunteering at an animal rescue farm recently, and more than excited to be part of it.

Inspiring Others

I hope to accomplish great things that inspire and help others while I spend my time on Earth. I don’t know what’s next after I die, but for now, I am here and shall put forth my best effort. It is my wish that you find something inspirational through my content, and if you’ve come this far reading this, thank you.